Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So Much Ignorance...So Little Time

The polls are slipping for the Chosen One. I must admit that I would probably enjoy it if it were not for the irrevocable damage that is being inflicted upon our country. After his first year in office, the President’s approval rating in the Gallup Poll is 47%, the lowest first year rating of any American President since the measure began. To be fair, the President had a close competitor for that low of the low at 49% after his first year in office. Care to guess who it is? Okay, you won’t get it right so I will tell you. It was Ronald Reagan. Do you think they will finish the same? I highly doubt it.

Okay, help me out here folks. I am trying to figure out if Obama believes the $700 Billion TARP funds were to bailout the big, bad, evil banks, or if it was to clean up their mistakes from which the "American people are still suffering." Now, if you are one of those American’s who still have an Obama bumper sticker on your car (razor blades work nicely), or perhaps you are a Grandmother (a typical white woman) who still believes in your grandson no matter how rotten he has become, please help me understand why the liberal media will not call BS on this guy? Now to be fair, as the polls continue to slip on the Chosen One, the liberal media seems to be running shorter on stories of Obama miracles. Of course, there is still a chance he will walk across the Atlantic on the way to his next apology tour.

December 4th, 2008 - "Part of what our message to the banks is, the taxpayers were there for you to clean up your mistakes," Obama said. "You now have a responsibility to be there for the community now that we're bearing the brunt of a lot of these problems that you caused."

On December 8th, Obama stated that the $700 billion bank-bailout fund, or TARP, was "launched hastily under the last administration" and was "flawed." (If you still have that Obama bumper sticker, you probably do not even remember or know that he voted for the bailout as senator in October 2008).

On December 13th, the eve before he was set to meet with top bank executives, 60 Minutes aired an interview with Obama. In the interview, he appeared a little frustrated and said, "I did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of fat cat bankers on Wall Street."

Then on December 14th, he said, "America's banks received extraordinary assistance from American taxpayers to rebuild their industry and now that they're back on their feet we expect an extraordinary commitment from them to help rebuild our economy.”

Are you confused? Yup…me too. So, when he voted for it, was he helping the Fat Cat Bankers or was he helping the American people? By the way, don’t get this confused with the bailout of GM to help support the voters…I mean the Unions (I hate it when I slip like that). And so now Obama is pressing the banks to make loans to people (small businesses) with questionable financial stability. Sound familiar? Something similar started in the 70’s under the Carter Administration and later greatly expanded under the Clinton Administration. It is called the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and was the springboard which eventually culminated in a glut of bad loans in the market place. Yes…I know…greed, greed, greed…..blah blah blah. All societies have greed. They have it in Socialist countries too. The only difference is the people in the Socialist countries are trying to figure out how they can greed their way to getting an extra ration of toilet paper rather than a few extra million dollars. Which greedy place would you rather live? If you are reading this then you have made your choice.

Healthcare “reform.” Puke. Okay, let’s “reform” the most effective and technologically advanced healthcare in the entire world. Some of us know this is not about our health and it is not about helping people. It is about wealth redistribution and government control over as many lives as possible. I have included a link to a sound bite from a 1961 recording of Ronald Reagan, who was a civilian at the time. Many of us young folks (a small stretch) don’t even realize that socialized medicine was a threat in the early 60’s just like it is today. Unfortunately, the effort by the government bureaucrats who want to control our lives will now be more successful than it was in the 60’s. The clip is about 10 minutes long, but well worth the time. Raise the flag, put your hand over your heart, and listen to the voice of the last truly great President of our country.

If you do not support Health Care “reform”, you are a racist.
This according to Senator Harry Reid (aka Dingy Harry). Once considered by some (not me) to be stable and reliable, Senator Reid has increased his rhetoric in recent years. Hey, maybe he and Jimmy Carter have been eating from the same cookware (a little “lead pot theory” joke for you history buffs). Senator Reid has compared the Republicans who oppose health care “reform” to those who attempted to stop the Civil Rights Act and the Equal Rights Amendment. Ummmm…it seems to me that Senator Strom Thurmond, who at the time was a Democrat, led the charge to filibuster the Civil Rights Act. In any case, this is the same old worn out liberal tactic. If you oppose us, you are a racist, bigot, sexist, etc. This is absolutely pathetic folks. There is also a major point that many folks are missing in Reid’s statement. He is also drawing the distinction that Health Care is a basic human right. The only problem is that the Government does not grant human rights. The government protects them under the constitution. Does the Government grant to you your freedom? No, the Government protects your freedom…..or at least it is supposed to protect it. Of course, your average ignoramus American believes the constitution grants them the right to vote in Presidential elections.

Here is another good one. Al Gore (you know…the guy that “invented the internet”) has been busted inventing something else…..FACTS! This is not the first time, but it is just so blatantly obvious that I have to laugh. In his speech to the Copenhagen climate change summit, Mr. Gore proclaimed that “These figures are fresh. Some of the models suggest to Dr. Maslowski that there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within five to seven years.” Even most of the Global Warming Scientist will admit that Dr. Maslowski is on the outer fringe of the global warming wackos. Dr. Maslowski, who is a complete nut job himself, was baffled by Al Gore’s comments. He replied, “...I would never try to estimate likelihood at anything as exact as this,” he said. “It’s unclear to me how this figure was arrived at, based on the information I provided to Al Gore’s office.” And to think this guy came within a few dangling chads of being our President.

Trying Terrorist as U.S. Civilians
Our Commander in Chief has rendered a decision that will prove to be a major setback in our war on terrorism (by the way, did you know that we are not supposed to call it the “war on terror anymore?” Listen to the President when he talks about it….he won’t use the term and neither will his administration).

Bringing people to justice. What does it mean? Many of us have different views of justice ranging from a fair trial and possible acquittal, to a public execution without a trial of any kind. Opinions run the gamut depending upon an individual’s proximity either physically or emotionally to the events of 9/11. I think we would be hard pressed to find many family members of victims of 9/11 who would be in favor of a criminal trial for alleged mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Did you catch that? I just referred to his despicable actions as “alleged.” Pay attention folks. As the liberal media works overtime to salvage the presidency of the Messiah, they will begin to lay the ground work for a possible acquittal. They will begin to attack the evidence and eventually question whether or not Mohammed truly is the mastermind behind the attacks. At the end of the blame game will be George 43 and Dick Cheney.
Folks, let’s not forget that Obama doesn’t really believe that America is completely blameless for the attacks of 9/11. Just like his Pastor of 20 years, he believes our wicked ways caught up with us. In the end, we will have a weaker America.

“Come on Chuck,” you may say. “Stop picking on the guy already.” I am not picking on the President, but rather his decisions. If I were picking on him, I would mention the arrogant way he holds his nose in the air while his fans cheer and applaud…..oopps, NOW I am picking on him.
Do you still have that Obama bumper sticker on your car?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Kanye West is a Racist and Jimmy Carter is a Jackass

How can I make such an accusation? I don’t even know him, right? He hasn’t said anything racist, right? It doesn’t matter. West publicly disrespected a cute little country singing white girl. According to Jimmy Carter and Liberal New York Times Communist…I mean…Columnist Maureen Dowd, this is a racist act.
In case you missed it, former President and current worst President in American history Jimmy Carter commented that an “overwhelming portion” of criticism towards President Obama is based on race. The Liberals cannot help but throw down a race card every chance they get. The Black Caucus has followed suit (sometimes I forget we have a Black Caucus, but the liberals keep reminding me we have a black President. Otherwise, I wouldn’t think about it….which burns them up). I suppose Liberals cannot stand the fact that Congressman Wilson has become an overnight hero to the right. His campaign contributions have skyrocketed and people are driving around with “You Lie” bumper stickers. Dowd fails to bring up in her article that the Democrats booed George W. Bush during his 2005 State of the Union Address. At the time, even Ted Koppel called it unprecedented. Truthfully, it wasn’t unprecedented because the Republicans booed Bill Clinton just a few years earlier. The common thread is that they all deserved it! Just when President Obama says something in which I can agree, he doesn’t publicly acknowledge it. Come on PREZ…work with me here! Kanye West IS a Jackass, but so is Jimmy Carter.

In all honesty, all of this Kanye West business is why I do not watch Academy’s, Grammy’s, CMT’s…BET’s….SOB’s, etc. So go buy their albums, see their movies, whatever, but who really cares beyond their work? I absolutely could not care less. I just don’t get it. So give some idiot a microphone who is a rap “artist” and listen to him announce the nominees for the Best Single by a Black Female Performing Artist? Just so Jackass Jimmy doesn’t label me a racist, I couldn’t care less about the Best 5 Tooth Havin Redneck Performing Artist either. Again, buy their albums and see their movies, but don’t let them be a real person…unless they can act like one. By the way, I am willing to bet we have more Americans viewing these ridiculous awards than vote in Congressional elections.

Now for some random, quality rants.....

Let’s talk Taxes….
I really do not see how so many ignorant Americans can continue to go on believing that the federal government gives tax breaks to the wealthy. And yet, this is the popular belief among many Americans. The latest 2007 figures from the IRS were published about a month or so ago (yes, it takes them that long to crunch the numbers…after all, we are talking about the federal government here). Here are the facts and I didn’t get them from FOX News.
The top 1% of taxpayers officially paid 40.4% of total federal income taxes collected (the greatest imbalance in the history of America). Moreover, people in this top 1% only earned 22.8% of taxable income. Does that sound “fair?” Just to put it in perspective, when I graduated high school in 1987, the top 1% paid 24.8% of taxes collected. You may think that only the likes of Oprah Winfrey fall into this top 1%. Well, think again. You only have to earn $410,000 a year to be in this top 1%. Yes, certainly a lot of money, but not even close to Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, or Al Gore. Remember that a large percentage of this top 1% are small business owners offering no distinction between adjusted gross income and business income.
In summary, the top 1% carries more of the load than the bottom 95%. In spite of these facts, the liberals will continue to demonize the wealthy and raise their taxes so that everyone pays their “fair share.” Absolutely mindboggling.

It’s time for me to pick on the Muslims for a while. I am fully aware that not all Muslims are Terrorists. On the other hand, all Terrorists are Muslims.

The peaceful, loving, caring religion of Islam will issue 40 lashes to this woman in Sudan for wearing pants in public, which is strictly forbidden under Islamic law. I must admit, those ankle covering pants get in the way of using the foot baths we have been installing in American airports. Well, maybe those footbaths are just for the men, which would be just fine under Islamic Law.

Here is a Muslim woman who will get 6 rattan lashes in Malaysia for drinking beer. Because of the deep compassion exhibited by the Islamic faith, officials have decided to wait until after Ramadan to administer her punishment. I guess the Muslim equivalent of Mardi Gras isn’t much fun. Geez, can you imagine what the punishment would have been if she would have been wearing pants when she threw back that beer? Maybe President Obama can get her off the hook by apologizing for American arrogance and then hold a beer summit. Makes me thirsty just thinking about it.

Mohammed would be proud of the father of a 10 year old girl who has offered her up to an 80 year old husband. After all, it is well documented that Mohammed had a wife that was also a child. Where are the women’s rights protesters? Come on “NOW”…..where are you? I guess NOW would rather denounce some billboard picture depicting an adult model with a short skirt than come to the defense of a 10 year old molestation victim at the risk of criticizing Muslims. I hate to sound so opinionated about Muslims. Funny thing is that I didn’t really know much about them until they attacked our country and killed thousands of civilians for the sake of Allah.,2933,543060,00.html

Saturday, July 4, 2009

It's Independence Day!

Since the rest of the world has been doing nothing but paying attention to the life and death of one Michael Jackson, I figured I would bring everyone up to speed on the things that actually impact our lives (let the hate mail begin).

Saturday is Independence Day, which we celebrate on July the 4th. As much as I love and appreciate the military protecting our freedom, please remember exactly what we are celebrating. Save all of those e-mails about our bold and courageous soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq with little American Flag icons for the rest of the year. This is NOT Veterans Day nor is it Memorial Day (by the way Memorial Day is not to honor all of those who have served, but who DIED serving our country). July 4th is the day we declared our Independence from the tyranny of the King by signing the Declaration of Independence. Honorable defectors like Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson risked hanging for treason to escape unfair taxation, trade restrictions, hey…this is starting to sound a little familiar. Anyway, I love our military, but please honor all of those who have served and died serving by not displaying blatant ignorance to our national holidays. It is absolutely embarrassing that school kids are taught to memorize Martin Luther King’s “I have a Dream,” (albeit a great worthwhile history lesson) but have no clue about the Declaration of Independence, its significance or when it was signed. I suppose the Average American ignoramus doesn’t know either for that matter. Go ahead and read it. Most Americans have never done so.

Folks, Socialism is just around the corner. Don’t think so? It seems as though many Americans wouldn’t mind Socialism. A recent Rasmussen poll found that only 53 percent of Americans believe capitalism is better than socialism. I am not sure if this is comforting, but I am willing to bet that many of the ignorant survey participants thought that socialism was hanging out with your pals and having some cocktails. So sad.

North Korea says that the U.S. is preparing for a preemptive nuclear strike. Of course, any nuclear arms they produce from this point forward will be for self defense…right? Looks like old Kim Jong II is crazy like a fox. Just imagine the look on President Obama’s face when he hears these words: “Mr. President, you have one minute to make a decision sir.” A career of community activism and two years in Congress does not prepare you for this stuff. Good thing we have the U.N. to help out with such a complicated matter (puke).,2933,529348,00.html?test=latestnews

Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has advised the U.S. to stay out of their recent political unrest after President Obama expressed “deep concern” about the situation. Wow….”deep concern.” It sure doesn’t get any stronger than that folks! Then he followed Hillary Clinton’s counsel and expressed that he was “appalled and outraged.” Okay, that is a little better. I am certainly not suggesting that we do anything about Iran’s unrest. I just found it humorous. I wonder if the next President will apologize for all of this harsh language.

After months of trying to figure out how to keep Vice President Biden under control, the Obama Administration has finally unveiled the perfect plan; make Joe the “high point of contact” in the political reconciliation efforts in Iraq.
Of course, this is the same guy that said 26 months ago our troop surge was doomed to fail. He also disagreed with the strategy of government under which he will now serve as the “high point of contact.” At the time, then Senator Joe Biden said, "You separate the parties, giving them breathing room within a defined central government," Biden said. "That's the only thing that's going to work." Well, folks that’s not what happened, but do you think anyone in the Liberal media will bring it up?

Cap and Trade – I don’t even know where to start on this one, but it is the biggest boondoggle since the invention of federal income withholding. This is being billed as an energy policy, but it is nothing more than a capitalism crusher. I heard President Obama refer to this the other day as a “jobs bill.” Are you kidding me? It is too bad no one could figure out a way for alternative energy to financially pass muster. So now the government will make it so unaffordable to use traditional energy sources that people will have no choice but to use expensive alternative energy.

Get ready folks. President Obama and the Socialist Congress of the United States of America are coming after employer provided health insurance. The average ignoramus American will think the government is taxing the businesses so it doesn’t have an impact on them. So sad. By the way, don’t think for a minute they are not trying to take out the “competition.” Don’t sign up for those nasty employer provided benefits, the government plan is way better!

Federal Appeals Judge Sotomayor just had one of her recent opinions overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. Does the name sound familiar? Yep, that’s her. It seems as though she just can’t put herself in the shoes of those Gringos who were discriminated against after scoring the highest on the test for a Firefighter promotion. The good news here is (unlike Judge Sotomayor) we don’t have to listen about their difficult upbringing and how hard they had to fight to reach their station in life. Ha…”station”….I crack myself up.

The Anti gun crowd is up in arms out in Arizona after the state legislature progressed on a bill that would allow law bidding gun owners with a carry permit to pack their heat in a bar. One provision would allow the establishment to post a sign prohibiting anyone from entering with a firearm (even concealed). You know, it seems to me that if I were a criminal, I would go around looking for those signs so I could rob some place where I knew I wouldn’t get shot…but that’s just me.

A New Jersey man says that a black bear mugged him for a sandwich.,2933,529888,00.html I have no proof, but I strongly suspect this is the same black bear I reported on in an earlier blog. The free buffet line to prosperity has become rather long so that cute little black bear is resorting to other methods.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Honest Abe; A Bigger Hero with Each Passing Year

For those of you who may not have thought about it yesterday, not only was it Easter, it was also the anniversary of the first shot fired in the only “civil war” in the history of the United States of America. On April 12, 1861, the Confederate States of America attacked Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina after the command at the federally occupied facility refused to hand the fort over to the newly established Confederate government. Since so much about The War Between the States (aka Civil War) is misreported, misunderstood, and twisted more and more each year in American society, I figured it would be a grand opportunity to list some facts that most Americans were not taught in Government schools.

This war should have never been called a “civil” war. A civil war is when two different groups are fighting for control of the same government. In this case, the southern states simply seceded from the Union of states, leaving the former government intact. Since terms like “The War for Southern Independence” and “The War of Northern Aggression” are sure to attract looks of perplexity, I figure that “The War Between the States” is sufficiently accurate and acceptable.

When President Lincoln took the oath of office on March 4th, 1861, he repeated these words that he had previously spoken several times in other speeches; “I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.” It is public record folks…go find it. (As a side note, this was also the same year that Congress passed the very first federal income tax in the history of our nation so they could finance The War Between the States…….way to go Abe!!!)

In June 1861, despite their acceptance of slavery, Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri did not join the Confederacy and remained in the Union….along with their slaves.

On January 27th, 1862, Lincoln ordered an aggressive attack on the Confederacy. General McClellan ignored the order. He was removed from command 2 months later.

Over the next year was The Battle of Shiloh, Union occupation of New Orleans, battles at Yorktown and Williamsburg, Stonewall Jackson’s victory in Shenandoah Valley, The Battle of Seven Pines, The Seven Days’ Battles, battles at Harper’s Ferry, Antietam, and Fredericksburg (just to hit some high points).

On January 1st, 1863, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

What, you say?? President Lincoln freed the slaves a full year and nine months after the first shot was fired in The War Between the States??? Well, that just doesn’t make sense because The War Between the States was about slavery, right? But, why didn’t Lincoln free the slaves when he took office? Oh yeah, I almost forgot; he stated then that he had no intention to interfere with the “institution of slavery” (geez, he even recognized it as an “institution” rather than an immoral act). Could it be that “Honest Abe” wasn’t so honest after all? I mean, he didn’t have a beef with the four slave states that belonged to the Union. Hey, let’s not forget that he didn’t free ALL slaves anyway. The Emancipation Proclamation only declared that all slaves in areas still in the rebellion were, in the eyes of the federal government, free. In fact, earlier in 1861, Congress had passed an act stating that all slaves employed against the Union were to be considered free. In 1862, another act stated that all slaves of men who supported the Confederacy were to be considered free.

Here’s the deal folks. Slavery is arguably the most ghastly and embarrassing part of the history of a country that lays claim to a remarkable track record of human rights. Of course, the Federal Government’s extermination of hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of Native Americans could come close, right? Nothing says “I’m Sorry” like casinos, duty free liquor and cigarettes. Unfortunately, the Union states did not give a rip about slavery until Lincoln determined it was how the Federal Government would end the rebellion. He freed the slaves in the South and created a war of morality that would be remembered in the history books as such. He was a smart man; you have to hand it to him. One is left to wonder how he really felt about slavery despite many of his published memoirs. All of these years later, he is considered to be a pillar of human rights. And yet, he really doesn’t deserve the title.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Arrogance or Onions?

Arrogance or Onions?
Folks, the North Korean missile test is a BIG DEAL (don’t confuse this with the New Deal…that will be later in Obama’s Presidency) and America is more interested in the songs that the President loaded onto an IPod before giving it to the Queen…or the fact that the First Lady actually touched the Queen and did not curtsey…GASP!!! (oh, puke…that kind of junk, along with taxes is the reason we fought those folks for our independence. Yeah, I know…it is a matter of respect; take note Aretha Franklin).
President Obama calls North Korea’s missile launch a “provocative action.” Do ya think? Don’t worry North Korea; our president does not have the onions to do anything about it. Besides, he would not want to come off as an arrogant American after issuing an apology to Europe for the Bush Administration’s behavior.
"With this provocative act,” he says, “North Korea has ignored its international obligations, rejected unequivocal calls for restraint, and further isolated itself from the community of nations. We will immediately consult with our allies in the region, including Japan and (South Korea), and members of the U.N. Security Council to bring this matter before the Council," Obama added. "I urge North Korea to abide fully by the resolutions of the U.N. Security Council and to refrain from further provocative actions."
Oooohh Dang. I bet North Korea will just hang their head in shame for what they have done. Now they will be in trouble with the U.N. Security Council; the same Council that allowed Saddam Hussein to block U.N. access to weapons inspections. Rarely will you hear anyone talk about the fact that by allowing U.N. weapons inspectors unfettered access to those cute little baby formula factories, Saddam Hussein could have avoided the war altogether! This is because there were no weapons of mass destruction…right all you liberals? Yep, instead, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney had to produce all of those bogus photos of mobile chemical labs as evidence to launch an unjust war for oil…right? Folks, all Iraq had to do is open the door for the U.N. weapons inspectors and Saddam might still be in power today wearing his beret in those film clips with everyone kissing his butt for fear they will be executed. My point is this: the United Nations did not lift a finger when Saddam Hussein did not allow weapons inspections and they will not do a thing to North Korea for launching a test missile. Go ahead and meet with everyone Mr. President, but if anyone is going to do a thing about it, it will have to be YOU! Truthfully, I have always thought that President Obama is arrogant. I just don’t think he has any onions.

Human Rights Progress in Afghanistan
There is a new law in the peaceful, loving, Muslim country of Afghanistan that allows a husband to legally rape his wife. And to think the United States is responsible for creating an environment where the women are now permitted to show those sexy ankles. Somehow, I feel responsible…well, not really…it is George Bush’s fault just like everything else.
One of the most controversial articles stipulates the wife "is bound to preen for her husband as and when he desires."
"As long as the husband is not traveling, he has the right to have sexual intercourse with his wife every fourth night," Article 132 of the law says. "Unless the wife is ill or has any kind of illness that intercourse could aggravate, the wife is bound to give a positive response to the sexual desires of her husband."

By the way, I am looking for investors to back my migraine headache medication store in Kabul.

Get Ready for More Anti-Gun Stuff
In the last week or so, there has been an uptick in high profile shootings where someone has lost a job or suffered financial hardship during our 8%-9% unemployment. Aside from the fact that these things did not happen when unemployment was 25% during the Great Depression, or even in 1981 when unemployment was just shy of 10%, the Liberals will use these shootings as evidence that the time is now to further attack the 2nd Amendment.
Question: when was the last time you heard of a gunman attacking a police station, gun shop, or NRA meeting? Why do you think these nut jobs attack Churches, Schools, Hospitals, job sites, etc.? Because they know that no one there will be armed and able to shoot back before they take a lot of lives.

Another Florida Congressmen giving Corrine Brown a Run for Her Money for the Throne of Embarrassment in the State of Florida
Carve out 8 minutes and watch this supreme example of Liberalism in action. Neil Cavuto rips into Democrat Congressman Grayson who is sponsoring a bill against “excessive” compensation to ALL employees of government subsidized companies regardless of their pay scale or job function. Neil rips into him for refusing to define “excessive.” Hold onto your extra $10 a week in that paycheck Joe Sixpack….the Government is coming after you if your company takes tax dollars. Yeah, I know….with the tax hike on cigarettes, you didn’t have anything to spend it on anyway.

"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." - Ayn Rand

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Are You Worn Out on the AIG Bonus Issue?

Evil Executive Bonuses from Tax Payer Money
Is it me, or is it hard to get overly passionate about the AIG Executive bonuses? Maybe it is because it is no surprise. No surprise that those big, bad, evil, greedy, executives ran a company into the ground and then padded their wallets with taxpayer money…you ask? Nope…that’s not it at all. It is no surprise that the Federal Government made a rookie error in their foray into the bank acquisition business. Understanding outstanding and forward looking contractual commitments is acquisition 101 folks. At first, I figured it was typical Federal Government incompetence. I mean, how many of these buffoons have ever run a business? We now know that it was typical Washington bureaucratic wheeling and dealing that added the language to the bailout bill that specifically allowed the bonuses in the first place. No mistake…it was intentional. By the way, let’s not forget that some of this bonus money was also paid out to front line employees like “Joe” the Customer Service Rep (I just made him up, but he doesn’t look or sound anything like Joe the Plumber). Too bad he is employed overseas and I can’t understand a darn word he is saying. If we passed the Fair Tax and trashed our ridiculous and unfair progressive income tax, maybe American overseas investments will come back home.

In addition to all of the other “no surprise” issues in the AIG debacle is the revelation of Washington Liberals admitting that taxes are not a means of revenue, but none other than punishment. "Recipients of these bonuses will not be able to keep all of their money," declared Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in a threat delivered on the Senate floor. "If you don't return it on your own, we will do it for you," echoed Chuck Schumer of New York. Bham!!! There you have it folks. In your face admission that taxes are weapons, not revenue. Oh, I know…conservatives have been cranking out sin taxes for years so they are not immune. Oh, I was also very impressed in which the speed that Senator Chris Dodd indicated they could pass a law that would tax virtually all of the AIG Bonuses. Dodd says this is something that "could happen fast. We could write this tomorrow." Wow, now that is impressive! As Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, it took Senator Dodd several years to oversee the most significant financial disaster in modern history. Now, he can whip out a punishment tax and have it approved in just 24 hours (yeah…I know..”punishment tax” is a bit redundant).
My advice for the Washington Liberals? Stay out of the banking business. You failed miserably in the most basic of acquisition rules and then tried to cover it up with your “outrage.” Just stick to what you do best; taxing the evil rich as punishment for individual achievement. Then redistribute the ill-gotten booty to the masses so that you can continue to allow people to “vote themselves money” and keep you in office.

Other stuff
Here is an awesome clip of my idol and economic genius Milton Friedman handing socialist Phil Donahue his buttocks. It is an old clip, but even more relevant today. Thanks to Jack Mitchell, my good friend and fellow Libertarian, for digging it up.

Where’s the teleprompter?
If you watch the news, you may be aware of the President’s little visit to the Tonight Show last week. Of course, you need to watch Fox News to become aware of his little joke comparing his bowling abilities to that of someone in the Special Olympics. Yeah, that is pretty insulting in more ways than one. The worst slam is that the folks in the Special Olympics totally smoke his score. Sorry Mr. President…you couldn’t qualify.